Still Working on the Manufacturers

Hey fellow airliner directors! It has been a while but we finally have a new devlog for you.

If you have been following our social media you already have seen that we spent the past couple of months working on the manufacturers and how you purchase airliners or compare them. I expected to have finished all the basic features related to the manufacturers by now, but unfortunately we had some hiccups in May. More about that later.

An update on the Manufacturers

Since our last devlog we've been working on the windows for the individual manufacturers and airliners.

Manufacturer window

You can see all the basic stats you need to decide which aircraft you'd like to purchase. If there are various subtypes of the same aircraft, you can expand by clicking on the arrow.
We still need to fill in the bottom half of the window. This is where you will see an overview of the airliners in your 'shopping cart' and where you can edit things like the cabin configuration and the engines.

If you'd like some more information on an airliner, you can open a new window:
Airliner Window

We will add more information to this window as new features get implemented.
The range graph will get updated with some horizontal and vertical bars and other polishing to make it fit better and clearer.

A New Artist

Earlier in May we received the unfortunate news that our artist will no longer take freelance work as he found a full time job at a studio. We wish him the best of luck with his new job. However, for us this meant we had to start looking for a replacement, one that is able and willing to work with the art style set up for The Airline Project so far. This has proven to be not so easy and time consuming, but eventually we found what we were looking for. We would like to welcome Eduardo F. to our team!

Since I'd like to keep the style for the airliner art as consistently as possible and we didn't have too many airliner images yet, I decided it may be best to let our new artist start over again with the task. This means the airliners will have a slightly different style than what you've seen before. I can tell you we're satisfied with the results so far!


Patreon Update

To everyone who supported us via our Patreon in May but no longer does in June, keep an eye on your email inbox this week, it may contain a key to a new version one of these days. ;)

Patrons that still support us will find the key via the traditional Patreon post.

Stay Tuned!

The current latest version (V0.1.1.2; June) is available here: TAP NG DEV 0112 (note that this is not a fully functional game yet; the payment is considered a donation to contribute to our Feature Queue)

Stay tuned for more information on our social media:

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See you soon!

The Devteam

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