Hello fellow airline directors! First off, t has been a while - in fact, over a year - and that needs an explanation and a big apology. Last year, early 2023, w...
Hello fellow airliner directors! Yes, you read that right. The full play-cycle is here. This means the game is in essence playable, albeit still a bit rough at...
Hello fellow airliner directors! Today marks a milestone on our schedule as we're just 50 days from our early access release on Steam! You may have noticed we d...
Hello fellow airline directors. As this is the first devlog this year, I'd like to wish you all a happy new year! May this be the year you get your hands on the...
Hello fellow airline directors! Finally I'm back with a new devlog, apologies for the wait. The past couple of months we have been working on some interesting s...
Hey fellow airliner directors! It has been a while but we finally have a new devlog for you. If you have been following our social media you already have seen t...
Hey fellow airliner directors! Last week we finally have gotten around to releasing our new version ( of the game, which brought manufacturers to the ga...
Hey fellow airline directors! I realize this is the first time I write a devlog since 2021, so if I haven't already I wish you all a happy (and healthy) new yea...